What I learned doing 250 interviews at Google
Big time sink: 3 hours to do a 1 hour interview
Random bias: noisy, inaccurate, arbitrary
- communications problems (one can’t understand the other)
- candidate or interviewer having a bad day
- writing code on a whiteboard/paper is not natural, even adding a few lines in the middle is hard/impossible
- could interview the same candidate with the same group of interviewers on different days and get a different result
- steve yegge idea: for each person already in the company, it should be possible to find an optimal interview panel (one that would always give that person a hire), and a pessimal interview panel (one that would never hire that person)
- some people might be consistently hard interviewers. Some people might be desperate for headcount.
You can’t directly ask about the things that matter.
- i.e., is the person focused on genuinely improving things, or just on maximizing some KPI (either adding a kludgey hack, or are you willing to rewrite something that’s making difficulties)
Be prepared
- When someone starts interviewing, give them a training!
- What’s a good general structure?
- what kinds of things are you looking for (positives and negatives)?
- What are ways we think are good to elicit that?
- When someone starts interviewing, give them a training!
Pair inexperienced interviewers with experienced ones so you can guarantee you still get a decent signal.
Primary goal: happy candidate
- If you risk upsetting a candidate to get a good signal, you are doing it wrong.
- It doesn’t take much to gain notoriety.
goal: Answer the question, “Would I love to work with this person?”
- Supplementary litmus test: “Would I be happy carrying the pager when this person commits their week’s work?”
goal: Help the candidate answer the question, “Would I love to work at this company?”
Good questions are like onions – you can keep asking versions of them, details about them, for the entire duration.
Higher bandwidth communication media improve
It’s artificial: you can’t simulate real working conditions and performance evaluation, so accept that. This artifice, by the way, is where your noise comes in.
Aim to reduce the noise and amplify the signal
- Your goal as an interviewer is to help the candidate shine
“They’re good enough for Google, but not good enough for my team”
- At google, we’d always shoot that down in the hiring committee
Talking between interviews, yes or no?
- Good thing: I’m not sure on this aspect, maybe test it further
- Bad thing: Seeing a senior person’s opinion will introduce/amplify bias that doesn’t need to be there. It is important to say what particular questions (or general aspects) have already been hit on.
What do you want to see
- Good questions: algorithmic, coding, design.
- Detailed feedback: ways the candidate attacked the problem. where hints were vs were not needed.