Notes by Topic: management
by title | by topic | by format | by source author
Let 1000 flowers bloom. Then rip 999 of them out by the roots
Surfacing Required Knowledge
Why are Enterprises So Slow?
Coherence Penalty for Humans
Work is Work
The Al Capone theory of sexual harassment
Headcount goals, feature factories, and when to hire those mythical 10x people
Leadership Without Management: Scaling Organizations by Scaling Engineers
Pyramid vs Obelisk
Why "Agile" and especially Scrum are terrible
The Time I Ruined Programming
The Talent Crash
Microsoft's Lost Decade
Principles of Technology Leadership
Delivering on Something That Doesn’t Exist
Your Company Culture Is Who You Hire, Fire, and Promote
Running in Circles
Confessions of an Unreal Engine 4 Engineering Firefighter
An Evolutionary Approach to Norms
Deploying Often Is a Very Good Idea
Choose Boring Technology
Google SRE Book
People can read their manager's mind
The puzzle of motivation
Agile at Spotify